24 December 2007
snapshot-20071224 of eric4 released. The changes in detail:
- made number of Subversion commit messages to remember configurable
- added buttons to edit the Subversion config and servers file to the Subversion configuration page
- changed the plugin installation dialog to be able to install multiple plugin archives
- added menu entry and code to create a snapshot plugin archive
- added a simplified editor dialog and an associated main script
- created a main script to start the plugin repository dialog
24 December 2007
New snapshot of the CVS plugin released. Install the contained zip-file using the
Plugins->Install Plugin... menu of eric4 snapshot to install/update it.
16 December 2007
snapshot-20071216 of eric4 released. The changes in detail:
- added a Repository Browser to the PySvn and Subversion VCS plugins
- added a Log Browser to the PySvn and Subversion VCS plugins
- made the visible project browsers configurable
- added project type for wxPython
- added functionality to strip trailing whitespace upon saving to the editor
- removed the scripting stuff because the plugin system is much more capable
- added a stop function to the find in files dialog
- added a search text entry to the keyboard shortcuts dialog
15 December 2007
New snapshots of the plugins listed below released. Install the contained zip-files using the
Plugins->Install Plugin... menu of eric4 snapshot to install/update it.
- Bicycle Repair Man refactoring
- CharTables
- CVS interface
- CxFreeze packager
- PyLint checker
15 December 2007
Version 4.0.4 of eric4 released.
18 November 2007
snapshot-20071118 of eric4 released. The changes in detail:
- added version info to the plugin repository dialog
- refactored PyLint plugin as a separate plugin distribution package
- refactored CVS plugin as a separate plugin distribution package
18 November 2007
snapshot-20071118 of the plugins listed below released. Install the contained zip-files using the
Plugins->Install Plugin... menu of eric4 snapshot to install/update it.
- Bicycle Repair Man refactoring
- CharTables
- CVS interface
- CxFreeze packager
- PyLint checker
17 November 2007
snapshot-20071117 of the plugins listed below released. Install the contained zip-files using the
Plugins->Install Plugin... menu of eric4 snapshot to install/update it.
- Bicycle Repair Man refactoring
- CharTables
- CxFreeze packager
- PyLint checker
11 November 2007
snapshot-20071111 of eric4 released. The changes in detail:
- added an action to stop the running script to the "Start" menu/toolbar
- added a config option for the plugins download directory
- added a dialog to display the plugin repository and download plugins
- refactored CxFreeze plugin as a separate plugin distribution package
11 November 2007
snapshot-20071111 of the CxFreeze packager plugin released. Install the contained zip-file using the
Plugins->Install Plugin... menu of eric4 snapshot to install/update it.
21 October 2007
snapshot-20071021 of eric4 released. The changes in detail:
- added a dialog to show the eric4 versions available for download
- added the project types "Django" and "TurboGears"
- added a button to the Start ... dialog to clear the history lists
- added a configuration option (Project page) to enable a recursive search for new files
- added configuration option (Plugin Manager page) to disable loading of 3rd party plugins
- added code to the imports diagram to cope with relative imports as of Python 2.5 and to show external imports
- added code to the application diagram to cope with relative imports as of Python 2.5
01 October 2007
Version 4.0.3 of eric4 released. This fixes a bug, which could cause an endless loop in the debugger backend.
30 September 2007
Version 4.0.2 of eric4 released.
24 September 2007
snapshot-20070924 of eric4 released. The changes in detail:
- added the menu entry "New package..." to the project sources browser context menus
- removed configuration option to specify the directory of the Qt4 installation
(it is now required, that the Qt bin directory is in the PATH)
- changed code of Python debug client to better intercept output
- added a source code exporter to write the colourised source as HTML, PDF, RTF and LaTeX
13 August 2007
snapshot-20070813 of the Bicycle Repair Man refactoring plugin released. Install the contained zip-file using the
Plugins->Install Plugin... menu of eric4 snapshot to install/update it.
13 August 2007
snapshot-20070813 of eric4 released. This snapshots extends the plugin support. The changes in detail:
- added some compatibility fixes for Debian
- added 'load', 'save' and 'next match' actions to the regexp wizards
- made the VCS clients update their status after a commit, update and revert
- added '-z' to the installer to inhibit compilation of the python files
- added documentation of the new plugin system
21 July 2007
First snapshot release of the Bicycle Repair Man refactoring plugin. Install the contained zip-file using the
Plugins->Install Plugin... menu of eric4 snapshot to install it.
21 July 2007
snapshot-20070721 of eric4 released. This snapshots extends the plugin support. The changes in detail:
- changed VCS interfaces to plugins
- changed wizards to plugins
- added methods to register/unregister a toolbar with the UserInterface.
This must be used by plugins, which create their own toolbar.
- added code to allow a plugin to clean up before it gets uninstalled
21 July 2007
Version 4.0.1 of eric4 released.
08 July 2007
snapshot-20070708 of eric4 released. This snapshots extends the plugin support and adds plugin development
support to eric4. The changes in detail:
- made plugins deactivateable and added a context menu to the plugins info dialog
- added code to remember the deactivated plugins
- added dialog to install new plugins
- added dialog to uninstall plugins
- added the methods registerPluginObject/unregisterPluginObject to KQApplication to allow Plugins
to register their object.
- added code to allow registered plugins, that have a getActions() method
to have the shortcuts configured via the shortcuts configuration dialog
- added code to allow active plugins to be configured via the configuration dialog
- added the commandline option --plugin=pluginfile to This option can be used for plugin
development to specify a plugin file to load (e.g. eric4 --plugin=/my/plugin/develoment/area/
- added actions and code to create eric4 plugin archive files
- added the new project type "Eric4 Plugin"
- added code to run/debug/... an eric4 plugin from within eric4 by starting another eric4 process instead
of the plugin main script
- removed the character tables dialog (will be provided as a plugin by Jürgen Urner)
- removed the Bicycle Repair Man code and converted it to a standalone plugin (separate download)
- added option to configure, whether the project browsers should highlight the entry for the file of the current editor
- added a field to enter a more descriptive text for a task
- changed the way how files and directories can be added to a project in order to respect the project's
filetype associations
22 June 2007
snapshot-20070622 of eric4 is released. This is the first snapshot of the eric4 4.1 development line. Next to some
bug fixes it includes a plugin system. That way eric4 can be extended by third party developers. Although it is
not complete yet, feedback is appreciated.
03 June 2007
Version 4.0.0 of eric4 released.
27 May 2007
Relaunch of the eric web site. It got a new look thanks to Robert Penz.
26 May 2007
snapshot-20070526 of eric4 is released. This release can be considered the seconds release candidate. It includes
bug fixes and the following new features.
- made some improvements to the typing completers
- added more rules to the Ruby typing completer
17 May 2007
snapshot-20070517 of eric4 is released. This release can be considered a release candidate. It includes bug fixes
and the following new features.
- added code for the final QScintilla2 calltips API
- added a check to see, if eric4 has been configured. If it's not, the configuration dialog is started
- added Python typing rules for try-except-finally blocks
- updated PyLint support for 0.13.0
- moved VCS status monitor LED code from UserInterface to it's own class and gave it a context menu to
control the status monitor
- added the '-p' switch to eric4-api to include private classes, methods and functions in the resulting
API file
06 May 2007
snapshot-20070506 of eric4 is released. It fixes a severe bug.
05 May 2007
snapshot-20070505 of eric4 is released. It includes bug fixes and the following new features.
- added CMake lexer support
- added VHDL lexer support
- made the help viewer keyboard shortcuts configurable
- added support for the case insensitive variant of the C++ lexer
- added some code to perform automatic insertions while typing (Ruby)
- added config options for entering a prefix and/or a postfix for Qt tools (e.g. on Kubuntu it
is '-qt4' to make 'designer-qt4')
21 April 2006
Version 3.9.5 of eric3 released.
11 April 2007
snapshot-20070411 of eric4 is released. It includes bug fixes and the following new features.
- added Czech translations (thanks to Zdenek Böhm)
- added some code to perform automatic insertions while typing (Python)
- changed the code of the browser and project browser models to fix problems observed on some
machines (thanks to Andreas Pakulat)
- enhanced win32 comptibility
02 April 2007
snapshot-20070402 of eric4 is released. It includes bug fixes and the following new features.
- changed the shortcuts dialog to show icons of the actions
- moved the dialog showing external tools used by eric4 to the preferences menu
- changed the handling of the commit message dialogs to enhance their usability
- added a dialog to derive code for a forms implementation for Qt4
- enhanced win32 comptibility
25 March 2007
snapshot-20070325 of eric4 is released. It includes bug fixes and the following new features.
- extended the subversion status dialogs by an add and revert action
- extended the svn diff capabilities
- extended the eric4-api and eric4-doc tools
- added @see, @since and {@link} to eric4-doc
- added a 'Recreate project tasks' action to the taskviewer context menu
- added support for D and Povray lexers
- added file and directory completers to various dialogs
- added a top level exception handler to log the exception info
- updated to chartables 0.5.2
18 February 2007
snapshot-20070218 of eric4 is released. It includes some bug fixes and the following new features.
- changed graphics to use QGraphicsView
- changed Pylint support for pylint >= 0.12.0
- changed the compare dialog to be more specific about changed lines
- changed install script to patch pyXML in order to fix a bug there
04 February 2007
snapshot-20070204 of eric4 is released. It includes some bug fixes and the following new features.
- added check for syntax errors when a project run/debug/... action is invoked.
The number of faulty files will be displayed and the action aborted.
- added an option to hide generated source of forms files (those starting with Ui_)
- added an entry "Find in this directory" to the browser context menu
- extended the compare dialog by movement buttons
- changed the debugger to accept environment settings of the form 'var+=value' in order to ammend an
existing environment variable
- added support for svn diff against HEAD and COMMITTED
- added esc handlers to the email and template dialogs
- changed dialogs to use QDialogButtonBox
14 January 2007
snapshot-20070114 of eric4 is released. It includes some bug fixes and the following new features.
- a onfiguration option to enable/disable the usage of autocompletion fill-up characters
- support for the new QScintilla2 APIs interface
Please note, that a recent snapshot of QScintilla2 is required.