04 December 2011
eric5 5.1.7 has been released.
04 December 2011
eric4 4.4.19 has been released.
02 October 2011
eric5 5.1.6 has been released.
02 October 2011
eric4 4.4.18 has been released.
04 September 2011
eric5 5.1.5 has been released.
04 September 2011
eric4 4.4.17 has been released.
24 July 2011
snapshot-5.2-20110724 of eric5 released. It fixes some bugs and includes these changes and enhancements.
- Mercurial Interface:
- added support for the Mercurial bookmarks extension
- added support for the Mercurial queues extension
- added support for the Mercurial fetch extension
- added support for the Mercurial purge extension
- added support for the Mercurial gpg extension
- added support for the Mercurial transplant extension
- added support for the Mercurial rebase extension
- enhanced the Mercurial log browser dialog
- Web-Browser:
- added a pause button to the web browser download
- added some more user agent strings to the web browser
- added some more search engines to the web browser
- added capability to encrypt saved passwords with a master
password and rearranged some configuration parameters
related to security
- improved the handling of mouse XButton1 and XButton2
handling in the web browser
- Configuration Dialog:
- added function to test the login data to the Email config
- Unit Test:
- extended the unit test interface to support skipped tests,
expected failures and unexpected successes and to better
cope with Python2 scripts when run from the eric IDE
- Editor:
- added editor actions to go to the last edit location and
to the previous or next Python or Ruby class or method
03 July 2011
eric5 5.1.4 has been released.
03 July 2011
eric4 4.4.16 has been released.
02 June 2011
eric5 5.1.3 has been released.
02 June 2011
eric4 4.4.15 has been released.
08 May 2011
eric5 5.1.2 has been released.
08 May 2011
eric4 4.4.14 has been released.
01 May 2011
snapshot-4.5-20110501 of eric5 released. It fixes some bugs and includes these changes.
- added support for additional configurable file filters
- added display of suppressed client termination messages
- made the toolbars of the initial layout more minimalistic
- merged "Save to Project" into "Save" and "Save As...".
- added a diff context menu entry to the subversion status dialogs
- added functionality to restore missing files and directories to
the subversion status dialogs
- added functionality to the subversion status dialogs to make them
more generalized commit dialogs
- added the capability to filter on status to the subversion status dialogs
- changed syntax check to report error position within the line
- added capability to filter out unwanted items in the file browsers
(s. config dialog, interface page)
- added configuration options for visible whitespace (as of QScintilla 2.5)
- added support for new lexer properties (as of QScintilla 2.5)
- enhanced error reporting in case the debugger backend cannot be started
- added support for the Matlab and Octave lexers for QScintilla >= 2.5.1
- enhanced the autocompletion of templates to observe the language of the
current file
01 May 2011
snapshot-5.2-20110501 of eric5 released. It fixes some bugs and includes these changes.
- added menu entry for the icon editor to the tray starter
- added capability to filter out unwanted items in the file browsers
(s. config dialog, interface page)
- changed syntax check to report error position within the line
- added functionality to the VCS status dialogs to make them more
general commit dialogs
- extended the Mercurial log browser to indicate closed branches
- changed the configuration dialog to remember the last show page name
- added configuration options for visible whitespace (as of QScintilla 2.5)
- added capability to configure the alpha channel for some colors
(as of QScintilla 2.5)
- added support for new lexer properties (as of QScintilla 2.5)
- added support for access keys and drag & drop to the web browser
- added support for search schemes ("s:" or "search:") and "about:home" to
the web browser
- added capability to the tasks viewer to ignore files based on a wildcard
during a project tasks scan
- added an action to push a new named branch to the Mercurial plug-in
- added an interface to VirusTotal to the web browser
- changed algorithm to determine the debugger backend type to be used by
analysing a first line starting with '#!'
- added support for the Matlab and Octave lexers for QScintilla >= 2.5.1
- enhanced the autocompletion of templates to observe the language of the
current file
- added support for "hg rollback" to the Mercurial interface
02 April 2011
eric5 5.1.1 has been released.
02 April 2011
eric4 4.4.13 has been released.
27 February 2011
eric5 5.1.0 has been released. This release includes all the bug fixes of eric 5.0.x and
these new and enhanced functions.
- Enhancements:
- enhanced Mercurial plug-in
- enhanced editor with additional export cabaility for ODT
and inline annotations showing syntax error and syntax
warning messages
- enhanced interface with special treatment for distributors
use of native KDE dialogs (Linux only)
- enhanced find and replace dialog that checks for external
changes between the find and the replace run
- New modules:
- symbols viewer with capability to insert the selected symbol
by double-clicking it
- numbers viewer to convert numbers into various formats
- Web-Browser:
- support for FTP URLs
- support for HTML5 features (requires Qt >= 4.6)
- added tab previews
- Checker modules:
- code metrics, syntax checker and tabnanny dialogs allow to
exclude files/directories from the check
- extended checker functionality to check Python 2 files
- added a checker for PEP 8 compliance
- Install script:
- allow installation directly from source directory
06 February 2011
eric4 4.4.12 has been released.
23 January 2011
snapshot-5.1-20110123 of eric5 released. This release can be considered the first release candidate of
version 5.1. It fixes some bugs and includes these changes.
- made the toolbars of the initial layout more minimalistic
- merged "Save to Project" into "Save" and "Save As...".
- added a checker for PEP 8 compliance (including a fixer for most issues)
06 January 2011
snapshot-5.1-20110106 of eric5 released. It fixes some bugs and includes these changes.
- added support for the display of inline annotations (used to show
syntax errors and warnings)
- added support for additional configurable file filters
- added a certificate manager to the eric web browser
- added display of suppressed client termination messages
- changed the Mercurial log browser to show incoming/outgoing changesets
with the current log (by pressing the next button)
- added a feature where flags can be given at the end of a source file.
The only flag supported is 'FileType' to overwrite the filetype detection
- added a syntax checker function for Python 2 files
- added a pyflakes checker function for Python 2 files
- added a tabnanny checker function for Python 2 files
- updated Pygments to version 1.4.0
02 January 2011
eric5 5.0.5 has been released.
02 January 2011
eric4 4.4.11 has been released.