29 December 2012
eric5 5.2.7 has been released.
29 December 2012
eric4 4.5.8 has been released.
01 November 2012
snapshot-5.3-20121101 of eric5 released. It fixes some bugs and includes these changes
and enhancements.
- General
- introduced a "workspace" directory that is used as the default for opening
or saving new files or projects (configurable on Multiproject config
- Code Coverage
- enhanced the code coverage dialog functionality
- Configuration Dialog
- added a filter edit to filter the configuration tree
- Debug Viewer
- added the configurable capability to automatically show the source,
when the call frame is changed in the callstack viewer of the local
variables viewer
- Editor
- added capability to mark changed lines and to navigate between them
- Graphics Dialogs
- added capability to store and load diagrams to/from disk
- improved the package diagram to include subpackages and their module
- added the capability to rebuild a diagram without losing the current item
- Plug-ins
- added the 'addSideWidget()' and 'removeSideWidget()' methods to the
UserInterface class to allow plug-in developers to add a plug-in widget
to the left or bottom
side containers
- Project
- made the selectable project types of the project properties dialog
dependent upon the selected programming language
- Version Control System Interfaces
- Mercurial
- added support for --log and --dry-run to the hg graft operation
as of Mercurial 2.3.0
- added code to disable the (deprecated) transplant menu for
Mercurial 2.3.0
- Web Browser
- added context menu entries for HTML5 media elements
- added a personal information manager to assist in completing form fields
through field context menu entries or by pressing Ctrl+Return or
- added support for GreaseMonkey scripts
- added an icon to the status bar to give direct access to AdBlock
- rewrote huge part of AdBlock to speed up
- added support for dependent AdBlock subscriptions
- added support for AdBlock exceptions
- added support for AdBlock checksum checking when downloading a
- added support for variable AdBlock update periods (given in
- changed FTP support to use Python's ftplib instead of QFtp because the
later is not supported in Qt5 anymore
- added a handler for file: schemes to allow directory listings
13 October 2012
eric5 5.2.6 has been released.
13 October 2012
eric4 4.5.7 has been released.
03 September 2012
eric5 5.2.5 has been released.
03 September 2012
eric4 4.5.6 has been released. It fixes some bugs and includes this enhancement.
- added a filter edit to filter the configuration tree to the configuration dialog
02 September 2012
Released the first (unstable) version of the Pyramid project support plug-in.
It offers a new project type and a Pyramid menu with various actions for Pyramid
development. Pyramid is a web-framework for the development of web applications.
Details about Pyramid can be found at
The plug-in is available via the eric5 plug-in repository dialog.
29 July 2012
eric5 5.2.4 has been released.
29 July 2012
eric4 4.5.5 has been released. It fixes some bugs and includes these enhancements.
- added the configurable capability to automatically show the source, when
the call frame is changed in the callstack viewer of the local variables
- introduced a "workspace" directory that is used as the default for opening
or saving new files or projects (configurable on Multiproject config page)
24 June 2012
snapshot-5.3-20120624 of eric5 released. It fixes some bugs and includes these changes
and enhancements.
- General
- removed the user interface layout types "Floating Windows" and
"Dock Windows"
- Log Viewer
- added the capability to search in the recorded log
- Shell
- added the capability to search in the output of the shell window
- Terminal
- added the capability to search in the output of the terminal window
- Version Control System Interfaces
- All
- added code to ensure, that some eric specific files and
directories get ignored
- improved the copy/move operation a bit
- Mercurial
- added support for amending commits as of Mercurial 2.2
- added support for sub-repositories
- Subversion
- added capability to select from existing change lists and added a
dialog to browse the change lists
- Web Browser
- extended the "Clear Private Data" dialog to clear flash cookies and
to select a browsing history period to clear
- made the AdBlock update period configurable between 1 and 14 days
16 June 2012
eric5 5.2.3 has been released.
16 June 2012
eric4 4.5.4 has been released.
01 May 2012
eric5 5.2.2 has been released.
01 May 2012
eric4 4.5.3 has been released.
30 April 2012
snapshot-5.3-20120430 of eric5 released. It fixes some bugs and includes these changes
and enhancements.
- Editor
- added capability to change the colours of the edit area independant from
the colours of the system style
- Project
- added capability to save project tasks automatically (configurable on
project configuration page of configuration dialog)
- Tasks
- changed the tasks handling to allow for more fine grained task
- Tools
- added a tool to take screenshots (fullscreen, selected screen, rectangular
selection, elliptical selection or freehand selection)
- Version Control System Interfaces
- Mercurial
- added support for the graft command as of Mercurial 2.0
- added support for Phases as of Mercurial 2.1
- Subversion
- changed code to make the subversion plug-ins compatible with the
new generation working copy meta-data format
- Web Browser
- extended the check for acceptable SSL certificates for indication via the
URL entry field
- extended the web page context menu by several entries to send links or the
selected text, handling the clicked frame, translate the selected text
with Google Translate and search it in Wictionary
- extended the User Agent handling to be able to set the string on a host
basis (next to the global user agent string)
- added code to save the current page as a screen shot
- added capability to synchronize bookmarks, history, passwords and user
agent settings via an FTP server or a shared directory
- added the ClickToFlash plug-in to (temporarily) block Flash and related
- added capability to suppress Referer Headers (configurable via eric5 Web
Browser configuration page)
- added capability to select the first nine tabs by pressing Alt+1 to Alt+9
and to switch to the last tab by pressing Alt+0
- added a Speed Dial to the web browser including the capability to select
the first ten pages by pressing Meta+1 to Meta+0
- added a history sub-menu showing the most visited sites
- added the capability to restore closed tabs
- added a bookmarks importer to get them directly from other browsers
- extended bookmarks to hold a description and various timestamps
- added capability to manage the QtHelp filter attributes
- added a page to the site info dialog to show web databases of the
- Wizards
- QRegExp
- added support for the various pattern syntaxes
- Third Party packages
01 April 2012
eric5 5.2.1 has been released.
01 April 2012
eric4 4.5.2 has been released.
04 March 2012
eric4 4.5.1 has been released.
18 February 2012
eric5 5.2.0 has been released. The most prominent new features are these.
- Platform Support:
- Mac OS X is an officially supported platform (s. README-MacOSX.txt for
setup instructions)
- Cooperation Functions
- added code to the cooperation functions to support IPv6
- Debugger
- extended debugger to show class variables
- extended debugger to ignore exceptions occuring in lines having a
'__IGNORE_EXCEPTION__' line flag set
- changed algorithm to determine the debugger backend type to be used by
analysing a first line starting with '#!'
- Configuration Dialog
- added function to test the login data to the Email config page
- Editor
- added an action to preview the file in the eric web browser. File name
extension to support this feature can be configured on the
Editor➔Filehandling page
- added an action to the editor context menu and to the tabview and listview
view managers to open an associated 'rejections' file (i.e. same file name
with '.rej' appended)
- added an action to toggle block comments
- added a syntax check while typing function
- added source navigation function for Python 2, Python 3 and Ruby
- added support for QScintilla 2.6 (and newer)
- added capability to zoom by Ctrl + Mouse Wheel (same for the shell and
- added capability to zoom by a pinch gesture (same for the shell and
- added capability to go to method and class definitions by Shift + Mouse
- added the capability to replace just the selected occurence of the search
- added editor actions to go to the last edit location and to the previous
or next Python or Ruby class or method definition
- added support for the Matlab and Octave lexers for QScintilla ≧ 2.5.1
- Plug-in Manager Tools
- added code to download and install plug-ins
- Source Browser
- show class attributes, class methods and static methods with different
- added context menu for attributes
- Source Documentor
- introduced separate sections for class methods and static methods
- Tasks Manager
- made tasks manager forget about global file tasks when file is closed
(configurable via configuration dialog)
- added capability to ignore files based on a wildcard during a project
tasks scan
- Tools
- API files generator
- added code to write base class information to be used by the
eric assistant plug-in
- Tray Starter
- added menu entry for the icon editor
- Unit Test
- extended the unit test module to allow to rerun only failed tests of the
- extended the unit test interface to support skipped tests, expected
failures and unexpected successes and to better cope with Python2 scripts
when run from the eric IDE
- Version Control System Interfaces
- all
- made "Show Log" behave like "Show Limited Log" and removed the
- added context menu actions to select/deselect all commitable items
of the status dialogs
- added a file selector to the top of the diff dialogs to quickly
jump to the diff for the selected file
- Mercurial
- added interface for the Mercurial command server (as of
Mercurial 1.9)
- added code to support multiple revisions where appropriate
- modified pull such, that it will try to apply an existing
changegroups file first (created by an hg incoming)
- added support for importing patches
- added support for exporting patches
- added configuration option to create backup files when reverting
- added support for the Mercurial bookmarks extension
- added support for the Mercurial queues extension
- added support for the Mercurial fetch extension
- added support for the Mercurial purge extension
- added support for the Mercurial gpg extension
- added support for the Mercurial transplant extension
- added support for the Mercurial rebase extension
- enhanced the Mercurial log browser dialog
- added an action to push a new named branch
- added support for "hg rollback" to the Mercurial interface
- Subversion
- changed code to make the subversion plug-ins compatible with the
new generation working copy meta-data format
- View Manager
- added an action to reset the zoom factor
- Web Browser
- added the "Do Not Track" feature
- added code to indicate invalid SSL certificates in the URL entry and the
SSL info dialog
- added a dialog to show RSS feeds
- added a dialog to show some information about the current site
- added the capability to go through the history via Shift +
Mouse Wheel
- added capability to zoom by a pinch gesture
- added a pause button to the web browser download
- added some more user agent strings to the web browser
- added some more search engines to the web browser
- added capability to encrypt saved passwords with a master password
- rearranged some configuration parameters related to security
- improved the handling of mouse XButton1 and XButton2 handling
- added support for access keys and drag & drop
- added support for search schemes ("s:" or "search:") and "about:home"
- added an interface to VirusTotal
- other enhancements
- added an action to launch another instantiation of eric5
- added capability to zoom by Ctrl + Mouse Wheel to various graphics related
- added capability to zoom by a pinch gesture to various graphics related
04 February 2012
eric4 4.5.0 has been released. The most prominent new features are these.
- Platform Support:
- Mac OS X is an officially supported platform (s. README-MacOSX.txt for
setup instructions)
- Editor:
- Improved highlighter styles configuration
- Added configurable file filters
- Added configuration option for new QScintilla releases
- Enhanced template auto-completion
- Added capability to change keywords of the highlighters
- Email dialog:
- Added function to check the login data
- Project:
- Added forms generation support for PySide and Python3 Qt projects
- Subversion interfaces:
- Diff context menu entry for the status dialog
- Made status dialog more universal (you can add, remove, commit,... from it)
- Added a filter on status to the status dialog
- Tools:
- Enhanced source browser and source documentor
- Web-Browser:
- Improved proxy configuration
- Added more default search engines
- Improved handling of mouse buttons 3 and 4 (back/forward in history)
14 January 2012
eric5 5.1.8 has been released.
14 January 2012
eric4 4.4.20 has been released.